Monday, July 12, 2010

My original goal was to liquid fast until 1am. Its 10:50pm and I haven’t wavered yet. Its been hard, but I guess the first day back into it always is. Hopefully I can get some sleep and wake up feeling fine. Although my stomach is screaming at me, in my mind I have absolutely NO desire to eat. Its depressing because I used to be able to fast for days without any problems. Once I get back into the swing of things, I’m not giving up again. Not til I’m thin enough.

So far today I’ve had cranberry juice, green tea, & two cream sodas. Not sure about the calorie content but its no solid food which has to count for something. Plus, green tea is zero cals. So snaps for that.

Funny story: Silas texted me last night. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I honestly didn’t know I was gay when I dated him, but I should have. He would literally have to beg me to peck him on the mouth. We never held hands or made out. So many clues looking back on it. Whatever. Anyway, so after talking to him last night I honestly have no idea what I was doing last year. Honestly. He’s so pathetic. I can’t even believe he of all people is the one who made me give up thinness. Ugh.

I’m done with assholes & dumb bitches. I’m just going to eat, sleep, and breathe Ana and not give two fucks about anything or anyone else. HELLO!

Think thin, stay strong. xoxoxo

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